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Pro Tint Adelaide

Everything was excellent, expecially the quality of the job. My only niggle is that I wasn't asked about the Ceramic option on the day, and forgot myself, so just got the metal tint option. The second niggle was that my car has been resprayed and the paint colour on the back half on one side of the car is slightly different. In hindsight, it would have been better to get the two levels of tint because the solid colour shows up the paintwork difference. I'm not sure how you'd incorporate that into the discussion, but perhaps a standard e-form sent to customers to fill in including questions like: Is your paintwork original? Will a solid tint highlight any differences between the front and back. Do you want to consider the ceramic option? And this could prompt a discussion before the car is handed over. Other than that, a pleasure to do business with and very happy with the quality and customer interaction.

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