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SWIFT Service Centre

I booked my car in for a service and to also check a warning light that I had on my dashboard, when booking the appointment it was an option to have this done and was an extra $110. When I picked up my car he advised me that the problem had been fixed and that it was all good to go, a few days later the light came back on and has been on everyday since, we took it back to swift service today to ask what they had done to try and fix it only to be told he wasn’t an auto electrician and he actually didn’t do anything to fix it because he didn’t know how to even though at the time he said it was all fixed. I ended up also paying an extra $180 dollars or so on top of the $450 I paid in the first place so I was over charged far to much money considering he didn’t even do what had been asked of him. I will NEVER return here and will NEVER recommend anyone to go here because they’re liars and overcharge customers especially when they don’t know what they’re doing but still tell people that they did what was expected.

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