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Bridgestone Select Tyre & Auto Bethania

I experienced several issues with the service. They failed to reset the Oil monitor gauge in the computer so rang but as it was late in the day I had to go back the next day. This was done without hassle, but still a nuisance. When the oil monitor issue arose I then checked the service manual and found they failed to replace the air conditioning filter. I mentioned this when I went back. After some discussion they ordered the part and I had to return another day. Again this was done quickly but still a nuisance. I was concerned about what had and had not been done. The invoice showed 2 different engine oils had been used and queried this. They said a mistake and crossed out the "wrong" one and wrote in the "correct" one. The 90,000klm service said grease all door etc hinges but none seem to have been done as no grease (fresh or old) on any of them. The service book also said check the battery but I am pretty certain it was not done as the battery is under the driver's seat and is accessed from the back seat. I had left items on the floor behind the driver's seat and they had not been moved. The seat which has to be slid forward quite some way was also in it's original position which is unusual when I get my car back from any type of service. I didn't bother raising the hinge and battery concerns as it would have required a 4th trip back for a basic routine service. I was therefore underwhelmed by the service.

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