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Satguru Motors

"Satguru" literally means "perfect spiritual master" in Sanskrit language. That is one of the reason I selected Satguru motors thinking they resemble the name and are honest people. But I was not right and below are the reason. 1. First they give me a cup of chai "indian tea" and I appreciate that. Then the owner slowly asked me whether I am paying cash or card. I said by card. He literally pushed me to go out and take cashout from nearby ATM. I told him I am not going to do that but if you want can pay by my debit card or I can do bank transfer. 2. I was not provided any tax invoice after payment. I was only provided credit card receipt produced by eftpos machine. I have kind of feeling these guys not registering income for tax purpose - otherwise they would have provided a detailed tax invoice with description of all services. I am really in need of tax invoice as I need it to show as proof of maintenance when I want to sell the car.

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