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Motorserve Gladesville

On the day I dropped off the car, I was told that they have no booking from AutoGuru, so I had to leave the car overnight to have it serviced. The service included a transmission fluid change and the next days when I picked up the car, the transmission was making noises, so I returned the car the following day. When I picked up the car, I was having the same transmission issues, so I ended up taking the car to another mechanic who checked and advised me that the transmission fluid was 1.5 litres low. They topped up the fluid and the problem went away, and I was charged $140. I forwarded the report and invoice to NRMA for a refund. It took many follow-ups and over 2 months to get a refund. The reason I left a negative feedback is not just because of their mistake (which has possibly caused extra wear and damage to the transmission), but mainly due to their poor attitude and customer service, and for giving me the run-around for a simple refund! The front desk lady has a not-my-problem attitude towards everything. No apologies or anything!

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Our Comment Policy can be found in our Terms and Conditions.