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National Windscreens Call Centre

Was advised that we will have someone arrive at our house between 8am - 12pm. Called at 12pm for ETA, and was told that a mistake was made and the time frame was meant to be 10am - 2pm, but someone was going to arrive within the house. 2pm arrives with still no show, called again, and was told within the hour again. After 3pm, someone finally arrived, but with the wrong windscreen, therefore it could not be fitted that day. Called the call centre to see what is going on, when can we be rebooked, and if I could please speak with the person in charge/manager. I was told someone will call me within the next ten minutes, and I tell you what, this is the longest ten minutes of my life. 5 days later and I am still waiting. Happy to advise though, we found a different company who was cheaper and installed it within the correct timeframe given and no stuff around.

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