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Bentley Auto Repairs

Absolutely disgraceful service. Book my car in after having to take a day off work, because they don’t do Saturdays anymore. So I do that. Book the car in, all secured, and request a courtesy car. When I arrived, no courtesy car, the only option given was to rebook. I make do and proceed by returning a little later. Drop the car off and walk home. Get a call about extra work needed, all good with that, and give the go-ahead. 3.5 hours later, I decided to call to see how it was going and was told it wouldn't be much longer, probably 30 minutes. Another hour goes by, finally get the text, and walk back to pick up my car. The receptionist's lack of care attitude. Stumbles her wording on what they actually completed, due to them ordering the wrong parts for my car. Once collected, I can confirm by their own invoice, that they didn’t even fully complete what I had initially booked it in for, an absolute joke. Never never again.

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