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Timeless Car Cleaning

1. They told me that they would be able to get rid of the watermarks and minor scratches. So I trusted them and booked my car. Unfortunately, the watermarks and scratches are still there as if they were skipped. Told them that I wasn't happy with the outcome and I was hoping that they would try to make it right, but instead they said that they actually did a good job and that they can't do anything to make a better result. They gave me $100 discount which is not enough if I wanna have it redone by someone else. 2. They disconnected my dashcam while doing the job.I can understand that it's for privacy reason, but it would have been nice if they informed me.And when they were done they didn't plug it back. I was driving around with my dashcam unplugged. So disappointing. I should read bad reviews first before booking.

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