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JAX Tyres & Auto Marrickville

Asked for a service and to check out an oil leak. They charged me nearly $400 for the service and told me they couldn’t look at the oil leak because the whole engine would have to be taken out and cleaned and they didn’t have the tools (so no guarantee the new oil from the service wasn’t going to just leak back out I guess). That honestly didn’t sound right but there had been a mix-up and they had my phone number wrong. I had been busy with work so I didn’t want to pick a fight or inconvenience them any further so I just asked them if it was okay to drive in the meantime and they recommended I “get it checked out ASAP”. That’s what I was hoping they would do but they said they didn’t have the right tools so I took it at face value and went to a different mechanic. At the other mechanic, turns out “the right tools” were a hoist and some degreaser. Took them an hour to figure out there was a loose bolt on the steering rack that was put in last year and the leak was actually the power steering fluid, just needed to tighten a bolt. Maybe JAX is great for tyres and a basic service but I won’t be going back to find out, sorry.

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