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Premier Autocare

Went in for a pink slip, and came back the next day for a “diagnostic assessment” on a back door that wouldn’t open. Specifically told the receptionist that I needed the car back by 4 pm (dropped it off at 8 am) and please do not complete any work before telling me how much it would cost. Later in the day, I’m advised it will cost $1500 to fix the door. I rang Hyundai who said they could do the exact same job for $745. I advised Premier Autocare that I would be going with Hyundai as they are half the cost and coming to get my car. They then proceeded to tell me that they had pulled the door off my car and didn’t have time to fix it today so I couldn’t have my car back unless I paid them the $1500 to complete the job and even then I wouldn’t get it back the next day. I said I need my car by 4 pm, that’s not good enough. They then stuck my car door back on with masking tape and said I could come get it but the door will likely blow off on the drive home. I took the risk and now have to wait to get my car fixed properly. Absolutely never again. My lawyer has also advised me to take legal action which I will be pursuing.

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