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Websters Mechanical

I put my car in for a blueslip, after telling them it hasn't been driven for 12months due to no licence, I get a list of what needs to be done to pass. I agree, the work gets done and I pay the bill and drive away. 5 mins later my car is making a noise I've not heard before and my seatbelt beeps as though not plugged in. I pull over and call them. They say to bring it back. Now they suggest an oil change which is done but doesn't work apparently. So now it's pulling the engine apart. Apparently, the noise it started to make is common in the car I have if you don't start it weekly so he tells me. That bill was just under $700. So I've paid out $2600 and still no car. Well, I do have a car but it has a "blown motor" What a waste of time & money. Maybe you should have taken the rocket covers off first.

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