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Jason Gallagher Mechanical Services

My experience was excellent with the reception lady who was helpful and friendly. Unfortunately, I was 30 minutes late to my appointment on Friday because I had to get my 3 kids ready for school and take care of my 1 year old baby who decided to poop right before we were leaving and it was not pretty. Along with many other factors of trying to get young kids ready for school which contributed to more time. I had to get them to school and try to drop them off in my car by 8am. I arrived at 8:30am. Unfortunately, things didn’t go to plan which I was apologetic about. When I showed up, the older guy who took my keys and had me fill out paperwork just said “your appointment was for 8” and gave me the dirtiest look. I’d already been stressed, sick with a cold and cried that morning from everything I had endured. I left and cried more after that encounter. I did apologise to him and said I had 4 kids, but he showed little care and was quite cold towards me. I understand Fridays are half days for you guys but I honestly did my best and I was up early too just to try and get there on time. It doesn’t always go to plan with 4 children ages, 7 and under. My car ended up being completed by 10:04am which was 2 hours before closing time which I was even more confused about too because he said to me as I left “okay we’ll try to get it all done in time”. I honestly felt so crap, like a failure and so upset that I was anxious for those few hours to come back and deal with him. I was relieved when a younger bloke who was much friendlier served me and made me feel a lot better with his excellent customer service. He was patient, kind and understanding. I didn’t purposely set out to be late and nor did I expect to be 30 mins late. I didn’t catch names unfortunately but the young guy had a mullet and was amazing. Older guy had short hair. Everything except that interaction was great. Not feeling great about coming back and seeing him again when I need work done again.

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