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Varsity Lakes Commodore Spares & Repairs

Judge for yourself. I booked my car in 29/11/2021 for a routine timing belt replacement on 5/1/2022 (a Wednesday). Also asked for a front CV drive shaft to be replaced. (not a big job). Normally this job would be a one day turnaround. (my neighbour has the exact same car (in and out 6 hours). No Call Wednesday, No Call Thursday. I popped in to see what was going on in Friday.. "Ohh, we're waiting for a tool - a camlock" was the excuse I got. So 6 weeks wasn't enough time to arrange a tool and apparently it had to be air freighted in from Sydney (to the Gold Coast). It might be ready on Saturday. To this point 3.5 days. No call Saturday. I receive a call Monday morning 8.10am to advise my car was ready. CV drive shaft was not done (car drives regardless). The mechanic then proceeds to tell me that the tool didn't arrive and they did the job without it.! Billed labour was for 2.5 hours. 3.5 working days plus loss of Monday morning, and no car for 5 days. It was a $697 job - which I think they did. I don't know for sure as this doesn't change the running of the car, and I wasn't shown any old parts (belt, pulley and water pump). This part of the job was completed (I hope) at quote price. Poor communication, very poor timeliness, good price.

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