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Rapid Tune Airport West

I had disagreed with what I was told about replacing brakes and tyres only by asking questions. I was told that I had a puncture which couldn’t be repaired. Fine. I was also told that all my tyres needed replacing urgently. Fine. I was told that all my brakes needed replacement. Ok. I stated that my brakes were at 70% the last service and surely couldn’t be due for replacement. Yes, I was difficult but I did not trust what he Ash was saying after this. Long story short I went to pay, I apologised for the above conversation we had over the phone.  After saying that my back brakes don’t need replacement he then pushed keys through the plastic shield hole to me and used profanity. I wanted to pay and kept repeating this but he continued to say use profanity. Look everything is nice when it’s nice but as soon as buttons are pushed by asking questions or disagreeing you get a backlash. Totally unprofessional as a business owner to treat a customer this way despite any pressure he might be feeling or how difficult a customer might be.

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